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Dungannon United Youth Soccer School Fun Week 2012

13/08/2012 - 24/08/2012

Monday 13 - Friday 17 August 2012

Sessions for agess five to nine year olds

Monday 20 - Friday 24th August 2012

Sessions for ten to fifteen year olds

There will be coaching provided by Uefa A and B qualified coaches, while as part of the fun week, every child receives a Dungannon United Youth Jersey, worth £25, a free Uhlsport football, worth £14.99 and two free crisps and drinks every day.

The fee for the wekk is £70, reduced to £60 if it is paid by the fist of August. There will also be further reductions for families with two or more children.

Entry Forms and Fee to be returned to Joe McAree, 1 Hillcrest Park, Moygashel, Dungannon BT71 7RH:


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